4th District 33S Cabinet Meeting

4th and final cabinet meeting of 22-23.
General Club Meeting Melvin Jones Awards & Installation Banquet

Melvin Jones Awards and Installation Banquet 6:45PM Cocktail Half Hour 7:15PM Meeting, Awards Presentation, Installation & Bamquet
November 2022 Newsletter

General Club Meetings

Over the past couple of months the Lions have been hard at work at their general Club Meetings working on many things! Here are a few of the highlights! Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts pot grows ever larger! It’s currently over $1,000! Congratulations to recent winners… Liam Grant… Steve Hoffmann… Joan Maver… and […]
Lion Lee Williams Receives 250 Membership Global Key from LCI

For Immediate Release by Matthew Cioffi: Avery Lee Williams was awarded the Membership Global Key & Medallion by Lions Clubs International (LCI) in recognition of his lifetime achievement of recruiting and sponsoring 250 members to the Easton Lions Club of Massachusetts. Lee received this notable honor at the Easton Lions…
June 2017 End-of-Year Awards, Honors & New Members

For Immediate Release – Easton, MA Melvin Jones Fellowships At our Installation Ceremonies on June 14th, we had the honor of recognizing two Lions members, Ken Love and Mark Ingalls, as our latest Melvin Jones Fellowship recipients. Ken and Mark have both been Board members for many years, Ken Love as Treasurer and Mark Ingalls as […]
May 2017: Lion of the Month, New Members, and Awards

For Immediate Release – Easton, MA At our May 10th Board of Director’s meeting we added four more new members. We are approaching our second year in a row with nearly 30 new members! We are proud to announce and welcome new members Michael Freeman, Richard Misner, Steve Tellyer, and Peter Galeno from Fieldhouse Arena. During the […]
Apr 2017: Lion of the Month, New Members & In Memoriam

For Immediate Release – Easton, MA We continue to add new members even as the year is winding down. At our April 12th meeting, the Lions Board of Directors voted in three new members to the Easton Lions. We are proud to announce and welcome new members John Trudnak, Greg Strange, and Patrick Heller. At our […]
Mar 2017: Lion of the Month & In Memoriam

On January 13, 2017, we remembered another good friend and fellow lion Bob Farrand who passed away into a new life. Bob joined the Easton Lions Club in March 2005 and he was one of Easton Lions’ Melvins Jones Fellows. He was our Eyeglasses chair for many years and helped-out at many of our […]
Feb 2017: Lion of the Month

Our February Lion of the Month is Marilyn Henderson. Marilyn joined the Lions in 2007 and has always been an outstanding solicitor in getting great items for our annual Charity Auction. This year she is our Auction Solicitor Extraordinaire, reaching a personal best in total donations, over $8,000, and for her service as a Lion […]