Brockton Lions Club Eye Screening

Day Eye Screening Clinic Volunteers In March two members of the Brockton Lions Club attended our general meeting and asked the Easton Lions Club for help!  Tobias Cowans, Treasurer, and Donna Frett, Secretary, heard the call for eye services at the Adult Learning Center in Brockton and responded with an entire day of eye screenings […]

Easton Lions Support

Katie Terino, House Of Possibilites The Easton Lions Club is a supporter of many causes in our local community.  We have great partnerships with numerous organizations and groups in Easton, and beyond including Easton CERT, the Old Colony YMCA, the Easton Music Department, and We Do Care to name just a few.   You can help […]

Back in October….

Jim Baker, Bob Grella, Doc Mudd, Amos Keddem

The Lions represented at the NRT Harvest Fair… thank you to all of the volunteers who turned out for the beautiful day at the NRT

Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion

This month 2nd Vice President “Doc” David Mudd prepared the generously donated eyeglasses that were collected at Brockton City Hall for Haitian earthquake relief! Thanks to all who participated!

Easton Lions Club Bowling… Champs?

On Thursday night the Easton Lions Club defended their Club “title” at the Brockton Lions Club Ten Pin Fundraiser at Westgate Lanes.  President Andrew Parker, Immediate Past President Lori Maver, Assistant Treasurer Steve Hoffman, Auction Chair Dale Kerester and old friend Matt Soeldner laced up and hit the lanes to represent for the Easton Lions […]

President’s Message – July 2019

Lori Maver photo 2019 with Lions logo

Greetings and salutations to all! Thank you all for having the faith in me that I can lead this wonderful team of volunteers for the 2019-20 Easton Lions Club season.  I will do my absolute best to not let you all down!  I believe that together we can accomplish anything we put our minds to […]

President’s Message – December 2018

Easton Lions Member Ram Penumarthy

Greetings from Ram Penumarthy: We enjoyed an excellent response from the Easton community this 32nd year of the Holiday Festival. As we prepared for this year’s festival and continued the legacy of success, we were excited to see Easton Town’s participation and response during the celebrations.

President’s Message – December 2017

Easton Lions Member Pattie Somers

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and all you hold dear.  May everybody you love stay healthy and content throughout the new year. Thank you all for making the Easton Lion’s Club a wonderful organization.  I am so proud of all the service that our club provides to our community.  So –  Thank you!!

President’s Message – November 2017

Easton Lions Member Pattie Somers

Thankful to have all of you as fellow Lions! Event Calendar Thanksgiving message from Pattie to all members on November 22, 2017 Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  I hope you enjoy sharing some time and food with your family members. Gather all those memories of the day’s events.  I do remember many a turkey […]

President’s Message – September 2017

Easton Lions Member Pattie Somers

“We Need You…” Event Calendar Hello it’s me! I was wondering… Since I became president of the Easton Lions, I have had the pleasure of working the members of various committees. I have a greater appreciation of the work that our Easton Lions are doing for our club and community. I have also realized the […]