There are some new things going on in the ELC this week...
Take a look at some of the highlights and select "Read more" for the rest of the story.
We need your help:
- Have ideas, photos or video from an event?
- Like to create, innovate, enjoy writing, or on social media?
- Your hobby is photography, videography/YouTube, or graphic design with Canva.com?
- Interested in website design and want to dig into WordPress?
Please email or talk with Michelle McGee, our Club Marketing Communications Chair or Jim Abate, our President at our next meeting if you'd like to help! We'd love to have you join the Easton Lions Club News & Web Team.
See you soon! Michelle McGee
Have you gotten your Lions Donut 🍩?
President Jim Abate has! Head over to the Easton Honey Dew Donuts to see Ella & Alyssa! Tell them Jim sent you!
A Message from our New District Governor Bob Coluci
GOVERNOR BOB’S MESSAGEFellow lions welcome to the new year as we continue to give back and fulfill our passions of helping others. I think I have made every effort to build a great District Team to work with you and answer all your questions. Feel free to contact anyone of us during the year. I am excited to be your …
This Week at the Thrift... 7/23/22
1904 Victrola Talking Machine Things turn over very quickly at the Easton Lions Thrift Store! Check out what is new this week... Featured Item of the Week! Did you know that every week the Thrift Store offers a Featured Item of the Week? These items are brand new, or like new, quality donations at a fraction of the retail …
P.O. Box 1032, Easton, MA 02334