There's been activity this week on the Easton Lions Club news blog, EastonLions.org/news! Scroll down to see post highlights and select "Read more" to see the rest of the story.
We need your help to keep our website and social media posts fresh!
- Have ideas, photos or video from an event?
- Like to create, innovate, enjoy writing, or on social media?
- Have a hobby with photography, videography, or graphic design?
If these apply to you, please email or talk with Michelle McGee, our Club Marketing Communications Chair or Andrew Parker, our President at our next meeting. We'd love to have you join our news & web team.
See you soon! Club News & Web Team
The Moffitt Pavilion at Frothingham Park
Last July (2021) several members of the Easton Lions Club met with members of the Frothingham Park Board of Directors to discuss a possible joint project between the Park and the Club using monies that had been bequeathed to us from the estate of Warren Moffitt. Warren was a local businessman and friend of the great Lee Williams. Before …
P.O. Box 1032, Easton, MA 02334