We thought you'd like to know there's activity on the Club news blog. Select an image below to open the article or go to EastonLions.org/news anytime to view all our blog posts & newsletters.
If you have Club news to share, photos or video form an event, or an article you think may be of interest to members, please send it along to our Marketing Communications Chair (open email here) or our Club President (open email here). We're always looking for members to keep our news blog fresh!
See you soon! The Easton Lions News Team
Rockery Clean-up Crew - 2021
by Jon Morgan: A merry crew of Lions swept down on the Rockery on Saturday, November 20th, with rakes, brooms and blowers in hand. Quick work of the leaves was made by our team, and a new record was set for the Rockery clean-up. Lions hands included...
On a beautiful September day...
On September 27th an energetic group of golfers headed out the Easton Country Club for the Easton Lions Club Annual Golf Tournament... according to Mark Lombardi at ECC it was a 9/10 day for golfing... (his only wish was that there was more color in the trees... so let's go with a 10/10!) Thanks to our generous donors and patrons …
Lions Tame Trailers at Fire Station
by Jon Morgan: In preparation for the upcoming Holiday Festival, chairperson Michelle McGee (also our Club's Marketing Communications Chair) rallied some elves to clean out and organize the storage trailers at Easton Fire Station #3 on Bay Road - and what a terrific job they did...
P.O. Box 1032, Easton, MA 02334