We thought you'd like to know there's activity on the Club news blog. Select an image below to open the article or go to EastonLions.org/news anytime to view all our blog posts & newsletters.
If you have Club news to share, photos or video form an event, or an article you think may be of interest to members, please send it along to our Marketing Communications Chair (open email here) or our Club President (open email here). We're always looking for members to keep our news blog fresh!
See you soon! The Easton Lions News Team
Website Redesign - Dec 2021
Before reading this, you may just want to explore EastonLions.org pages to see how they look and feel. Try desktop or phone, and if you have a tablet, that should work well too. You're going to like the way it looks ;-) Why the Redesign? The answer is three-fold: Simplification: We just had too much to maintain and update. New …
P.O. Box 1032, Easton, MA 02334