This Saturday, July 2nd the Easton Lions Thrift Store will be closed for the July 4th weekend. We would like to thank our generous donors, our loyal customers, and our dedicated volunteers for all you do to raise money for our community, eye research, camperships for boys and girls, in addition to so many other valuable causes.

During our hiatus let’s honor two men who were instrumental in the creation and success of the Thrift Store.

Don Tuck

Don Tuck and Andrew Parker outside the Thrift Store on Saturday

Don Tuck, 2010 Easton Lions Club Melvin Jones recipient, Thrift Store lugger and tugger but also a major contributor to the creation of the Thrift Store was to be honored at last week’s final General Club meeting and cookout. Don was unable to make the festivities but did show up at the Thrift Store last week where he was honored by our outgoing President Andrew Parker with an award for “Outstanding Achievement in expanding the possibilities of the Club through the creation of the Thrift Store.”

President Parker: “Lee Williams spoke often about the contribution Don Tuck made to the Club through the Thrift Store. I was very happy to be able to say ‘thank you’ to Don on behalf of the Club. He helped us expand our potential. The Club owes him a great debt of gratitude.”

Avery Lee Williams

Lee Williams‘ name is synonymous with Lions. And also with Thrift Store. Shortly after the passing of Lee Williams, Kevin Williams offered our Club his Lions sport coat.  The idea then hatched to memorialize Lee’s coat at the Thrift Store. 

Jon Morgan: “We gathered up Lee’s pins and regalia and Ron Handverger and I built a display case for the coat. 

Lee’s coat now proudly hands in the stairwell of the Easton Lions Thrift Store – a facility he had such a strong hand in creating.”

The Thrift Store will reopen on Saturday, July 9th. We hope you’ll come check out our merchandise… and Lee’s jacket.