From President Andrew Parker: “If you see the great Matt Cioffi around town give him a couple dozen high fives. At… [the] District 33S Cabinet Advisory meeting the Easton Lions Club website was named the Best in District 33S for the second/third/fourth/fifth (we forget how many exactly) year in a row…
Many Lions Clubs have websites. Most are along the generic lines of an E-Clubhouse.
Matt has spent years working on our site, and his dedication shows.
The Easton Lions. Best website in District 33S.
We think that if our website was put up against any Club in District 33, or New England, or the United States, or the world at large, that we would come out on top.
Thank you, Matt Cioffi, for making us look good, again and again and again and again and again.
Go (to the Easton) Lions Website!”

From Matt Cioffi: “This was truly a team effort! Just as it takes a community to raise a child, so it is with websites. Our website evolved because of all we do as Lions in Easton. I feel like the Club has a Norm Abram’s workshop for our website!
How did we get here? I think it was Yogi Berra who said something like ‘When you see a fork in the road, trust your instincts, act, and take it.’
Our event chairs and subcommittees graciously provided the text, year-in and year-out. They never batted an eye when asked. As members, so many have shared photos and videos of all our activities and meetings. And, most importantly, the Board supported our efforts, making it possible through WordPress Elementor & WPForms, plus the ever critical free Canva.com that makes creating artwork and videos seamless. From all that, you made my role easy as a molder and designer. It is all your ideas that continue to shape our website. It could not be done without all of you!
All the best, and thanks for your friendship and support.