Easton Holiday Festival is officially “in the can”

Submitted by: Jon Morgan, Holiday Festival Chair Fellow Lions, The 2016 Easton Holiday Festival is officially “in the can” (er, the film production term, not the trash can)! Over two Saturdays, our courageous team lugged and tugged to make sure all items were securely put in storage for their long winter’s nap. We fielded a […]
2016 Reindog Parade Winners Announced

On January 11, 2017, the winners of the Holiday Festival 2016 Reindog Parade were presented their awards at the Easton Lions’s Club first meeting of the new year. Gus Arns again made some classic awards with dog bones mounted on carved wood backs. This year the 2016 Reindog Parade which was sponsored by the Easton […]
President’s Message – Dec 2016

As 2016 comes to end, I want you to know that it has been an exceptional honor for me to serve with you all. The holiday from Thanksgiving through little Christmas are truly a magical time for me. It’s a time to be with family and friends; a time to give of ourselves; a time […]