Lion of the Month - March 2017 - Dale Kerester


On January 13, 2017, we remembered another good friend and fellow lion Bob Farrand who passed away into a new life. Bob joined the Easton Lions Club in March 2005 and he was one of Easton Lions’ Melvins Jones Fellows. He was our Eyeglasses chair for many years and helped-out at many of our events from the rink to the auction. I remember him for his welcoming smile and talking with him about the Lions eyeglass collection program. We as Lions are proud to have served with Bob.

We also honored two valuable members of our club for their work in the Auction and for their work as Lions. At our March 8th meeting, Matthew Cioffi, club president, recognized two Lions for their service as Easton Lions Club’s Lion of the Month.

Thank you both for being model Lions for our Club. I am proud to serve with you!

Go to our Be A Lion, Club Award and Honors page to view all current Lions of the Month.