From our Third VP – Matt Soeldner

Eye Glasses Cleaning

Eye Glasses Array of Styles.

After having off the month of July the Eyeglass Cleaning will be starting up again in August. The following Mondays have been set aside to clean and sort eyeglasses. This is a great way to meet new Lions and get ideas on projects that they run, the good and the bad.

August 5thand 19th

Two 2 sessions each day: 1:00-3:00 and 6:30-9:00

The Raynham Lions Club is located at King Phillip Rd in Raynham, MA

Cabinet Meeting

The first Cabinet Meeting will be held on August 22ndin Abington at the Senior Center located at 441 Summers St Abington Ma. The cost 17.00 and the choice of meal is Steak or Vegetarian please RSVP by 8/15. Contact CST Jane Puccio at Jepuccio@comcast.netif you plan to go. Please make checks out Lions of District 33S.