November 2022 Newsletter

Where There’s a Need There’s a Lion

This month 2nd Vice President “Doc” David Mudd prepared the generously donated eyeglasses that were collected at Brockton City Hall for Haitian earthquake relief! Thanks to all who participated!
Eye Glasses Cleaning and Cabinet Meeting

From our Third VP – Matt Soeldner Eye Glasses Cleaning After having off the month of July the Eyeglass Cleaning will be starting up again in August. The following Mondays have been set aside to clean and sort eyeglasses. This is a great way to meet new Lions and get ideas on projects that they […]
Winter District 33-S Happenings

By Matthew Soeldner, Club Secretary I have been lax on putting out information about District happenings so let’s change that. Eye Glass Cleaning Happens twice a month 1st and 3rd Mondays during the winter months, weather permitting. So the next cleaning will take place on January 21 at the Raynham Lions Club on King Phillip […]
Eye Glass Cleaning November 2017

From Our Secretary – Matt Soeldner The next cleaning of glasses will take place on Monday, November 6th, at the Raynham Lions Club. Two shifts 1:00-3:00 and 6:30-9:00! Work one or both, everybody welcome. The Raynham Lions Club is located at:
District 33S Eyeglasses Cleaning – March 6, 2017

The eyeglasses cleaning at the Raynham Lions Club that was cancelled a couple weeks ago due to the snow storm has been rescheduled for Monday, March 6th, 2017. They will be holding two eyeglass washing and bagging sessions. 1:00PM – 3:00PM 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM This is a District wide event and is open to […]