” Vintage” Phone
We usually start this blog post with… “It’s going to be another beautiful autumn day”… but… alas… they can’t all be nice days outside… BUT…what about INSIDE the THE EASTON LIONS THRIFT STORE???
The weather may look frightful but the merchandise is always delightful! We are OPEN from 10am-2pm (donations accepted until 1pm) and there’s LOTS “in store”!!!
Rainy days are Dungeon Days!

If you haven’t visited the Dungeon Master, Jim Baker tomorrow is a good day to keep him busy… er… visit him!
Maybe you want to take up golf but don’t want to spend an arm & a leg on supplies… we have loads of golf items!
Perhaps you are in need of a bike… for you… for a little one… or a bike rack… we have a plethora!
The basement is full of treasures to uncover! Come check out the Dungeon and Dungeon Master Jim!

Featured Item of the Week!
This week’s Featured Item of the Week is…
Did you know that every week the Thrift Store offers a Featured Item of the Week? These items are brand new, or like new, quality donations at a fraction of the retail price! This Waterpik Water Flosser retails at over $55! The Thrift price is only $25! BUT! FOR ONE DAY ONLY…. this gadget is on sale for a low, low price! Come get it while it lasts!
Prices will not be quoted. You must come in to the store to price and purchase. First come, first served. You may not hold, reserve or request Featured Items of the Week. You may not purchase Featured Items of the Week by phone, email or post. You must come in and purchase Featured Items of the Week on Saturday between 10am-2pm while items last. NO EXCEPTIONS!]
Raffle of the Week
This week’s Raffle Item is…
Tickets are $1. Raffle runs the 4 hours we are open only, so chances to win are very high! For every $10 you spend at the Thrift, get one FREE raffle ticket!
Chilly? Nice new… and stylish jackets!

The Holidays are Here!

Operation Shoebox
For the next 3 Saturdays the Thrift Store will be collecting items to send to soldiers who are on active duty, but also at home, in hospitals, homeless as well as veterans’ families.
Please bring any of the items listed above to the Thrift Store on 11/12, 11/19, or 11/26 to donate to Operation Shoebox. All items will be given to those who serve. (If you have a friend or loved one who could benefit from receiving a Shoebox, please email info@eastonlions.org with the name and address and we will be sure they receive a box.)

And one more thing…
Michelle M & Markie V have a Facebook Live surprise for you tomorrow… so stay tuned to the Easton Lions Club’s Facebook page… you will not want to miss this fun live event!