Thrift Store Volunteers (from left to right:  Pattie Somers, Andrew Parker, Bob Grella, Ashlee Dacey, Mark Vinocoor, Joyce Tardito, Michelle Durrance and Sheri Anderson

It may be a three day weekend, but the Easton Lions Thrift Store is OPEN Saturday, 10/8/22 from 10am-2pm!

Let’s not waste time on words when we have photos to share of….

…our beautiful showroom floor…

…pieces worthy of display…

…a Featured Item of the Week!

Did you know that every week the Thrift Store offers a Featured Item of the Week? These items are brand new, or like new, quality donations at a fraction of the retail price!

A Faberware Classic Series 3 piece carving set going for less than half its retail value…


Prices will not be quoted.  You must come in to the store to price and purchase.  First come, first served.  You may not hold, reserve or request Featured Items of the Week.  You may not purchase Featured Items of the Week by phone, email or post.  You must come in and purchase Featured Items of the Week on Saturday between 10am-2pm while items last.  NO EXCEPTIONS!]

… all new Thrift Store Shenanigans…

…a Raffle of the Week…

This week’s Raffle Item is…

…a beautiful wish wine glass…

Tickets are $1. Raffle runs the 4 hours we are open only, so chances to win are very high! For every $10 you spend at the Thrift, get one FREE raffle ticket!

…and New Recruits From our Thrift Store!

Brand new recruit Bob Cohen (second from left) with (from left to right: Mark Ingalls, Thrift Store Chair; Mark Vinocoor, Membership Chair and Andrew Parker, Immediate Past President