In the early 2000’s our Club developed a need for storage space – lots of storage space.  Our Holiday Festival was growing, the Golf Outing was expanding and the Auction was by far our single largest fund raiser.  John Mallers came to the rescue, obtaining two 53′ trailers decommissioned by WalMart.  John kitted out one of the trailers with shelving and lights, and we were in storage heaven!  Then Fire Chief Tom Stone told us we could “temporarily” store them at the Bay Road fire station.  Fast forward some twelve years, and those trailers are chock full of all the items our Club needs to manage our events – and many items we no longer need.  A preliminary clean out was done in December by a team of Lions led by Michelle McGee, and that freed-up some space, but convinced us more work needed to be done.  
In early 2022 the Fire Department informed us the DPW was making plans to pave the station’s parking lot.  And the trailers had to go. Ouch.  It was time to take action!  
Our intrepid President coordinated with Chief Justin Alexander (who was extremely supportive) and a committee was formed.  Michelle McGee and Jon Morgan headed up Project Trailer Clean-out.  The goal:  reduce the storage space needed from two trailers to one, and honor the mandate:  repurpose-recycle-reduce.  The date was set:  Saturday, 4/9.  A 20 yard dumpster put in place.  And, the most remarkable team assembled!

Easton Lions Club Trailer Clean-out Apr 2022
The intrepid Presidents swings the sledge

Answering the call were Lions Tyler Bourne, Dan Ferguson, Gary Fradin, Dan Guerin, Rob Goodrich, Ron Handverger, Arlene Keach, Dale Kerester, Scot Kudcey, Michelle McGee, Kevin McIntyre, Jon Morgan, Ray Morrell (with his trusty generator), Andrew Parker, and Steve Wilson.  We also had help from two people connected through Yardley-Wood Rink, Tristan and his son, Leon (recruited by Dale – thanks Dale!).  

A special mention to Ram Penumarthy for loan of his generator, and Lynn Kingsbury brought us dozens of bagels, donated by Back Bay Bagels!

A little bit of work was left over, and on Sunday a few of us had not had our fill,,,, so, John Mallers, Jon Morgan, Gary Fradin, Michelle McGee and Kevin McIntyre moved a few more boxes!

We met our goal!  We’re down to one trailer, and we’re looking for a new home for it. 

This was an essential – and exhausting – project.  Once again, the Easton Lions were amazing!

Thank you Lions! 

Michelle McGee and Jon Morgan

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