The Easton Lions Club recognizes veterans:  Larry Dahlgren, Stan Borgeson, Sue Borgeson, John Tracy, Ray Morrell, Rob Goodrich, Dan Ferguson, Deb Horner, Lori Maver, Adam Gunn, Jamie Stebbins, Rich Eastman, Club President Bill Palmer, Catherine Sutton, Bob Peoples, Earnest Smith, John Mallers, Bill Ames, Ron Handverger, Stan Siegel, Cory Ahonen, Theresa Podeiko-Poole, Bob Grella, Janice Lindstrom, Ernie Carson, Peter Geraigery and Kathy Connell


Easton veterans: Rich Eastman, retired US Navy veteran; Earnest Smith, Air Force veteran with his wife, Patricia; Cory Ahonen, Air Force veteran and Easton Veteran Services Officer; Stan Siegel, Korean War era veteran; John Poole and his wife, Theresa Podeiko-Poole, Army veteran and Easton American Legion Commander; Adam Gunn, retired US Navy veteran and Abington’s Veteran Services Officer; (not pictured: Ernie Carson, Vietnam War veteran)

The Easton Lions Club honored veterans at their General Meeting at the Hall on Foundry on Wednesday, November 9th.

Lions 5-Point Opening

The Pledge of Allegience led by Stanley Borgeson, Lion Tamer

A beautiful presentation that included the Lions traditional 5-Point Opening featuring the Pledge of Allegience led by Stan Borgeson, veteran; the Song of America led by Bob Grella, veteran; the Thought of the Day by Lori Maver, veteran; the Lions Toast by 1st Vice District Governor Deb Horner, veteran; and the invocation by Michelle McGee, Marketing Communication Chair.

Veterans Day Honors

The Easton Lions worked with Easton Veterans Services Officer, Cory Ahonen, Air Force veteran, in welcoming Easton veterans for a delcious turkey dinner by Not Just Thaboule (they weren’t kidding!) to celebrate Veterans Day and the sacrifices and service our veterans provide.

Easton Lions Club President Bill Palmer with Senator Walter Timilty and Representative Carol Doherty, also an Easton Lion

Senator Walter Timilty and State Representive and Lion, Carol Doherty, both fresh off of the campaign trail presented citations to the veterans in attendence including some of our very own Lions Members including:

Lions Veterans

Operation Shoebox

Easton Veterans Day Parade Tomorrow