Pile of soda cans ready for deposit return.I remember it like it was 2019.   President Lori Maver described bringing her recyclable cans and bottles to the Brockton Area Arc’s Shoe City Redemption Center, and getting $100 credit for the Easton Lions Club. Matt Soeldner quickly calculated that in order to get $100 Lori would have had to bring in 2,000 cans – which she did not dispute.  However, the lesson was that returning cans and bottles to the Brockton ARC is a relatively easy way that we can generate funds for the Club.

The state is now allowing cans and bottles to be returned;  Shoe City is open – with limited hours.

And Lori and I are going to provide an incentive for Lions members to return their bottles and cans for the benefit of the Club.

Easton Lions bottle and can recycle bin.Bring your recyclables to Shoe City in a bag. Mark the number of cans/bottles on the bag, and tell them that the money should be donated to the Easton Lions account.

If, from today through August 15th, up to five different Lions bring in at least 40 cans we will hold a random drawing and one person will get a free pizza from the Union Villa.

If twenty or more different Lions bring in at least 40 cans one person will get a $25 gift certificate to the Villa.

And if fifty different Lions bring in at least 40 cans one person will get a $100 gift certificate to either the Villa or La Cucina on Main Street– winner’s choice. 

Just email me your name and the number of cans you are dropping off.

The Brockton Area ARC logoShoe City is located at 1250 West Chestnut Street in Brockton.  They are open Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 2 pm, and Saturday from 8:30 – 12:30.

Good luck.

And thank you for supporting the Brockton Area Arc and your Easton Lions.

Andrew Parker