There’s lots going on at the Easton Lions Thrift Store… come check out our new appliance and kitchen area! We’re going strong every Saturday from 10am-2pm with loads of new stuff every week! Come check us out! Lots of great stuff cheap!
100% of the funds generated by the Thrift Store go to support local non-profits and fund Lions Eye Research. When you buy, we give.
We are located at The Grange right next to Buddy’s Union Villa.
Donations are accepted on Saturdays from 10am-1pm. Please pull up alongside of the building where our FLASH SALE takes place from 10am-1pm. You’ll find the newest items and that you can purchase for a steal before they even hit the store shelves… which are looking pretty nice lately!
Come see us this Saturday! (Please note: we will be closed on Labor Day weekend, Saturday September 4th)
![Easton Lions Trhifts Store sign with Easton Grange #196 Chartered 1892](