When holiday shopping online at Amazon, remember to use SMILE.amazon.com!  This special address, instead of www.amazon.com, tells Amazon to make a donation a 0.5% of the purchase price of your AmazonSmile orders that are eligible to the Lions Club of Easton Fountation, Inc.  Note the SMILE in the address.

There is absolutely no cost to you!

To make sure the donation goes to our club, visit and shop through smile.amazon.com or AmazonSmile.com works too.  Enter your username and password to log-on to your regular Amazon.com account. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be asked to select your charity of choice. Select:

Lions Club of Easton Foundation, Inc, MA

Be sure to choose the Massachusetts Lions Club, as there are other Easton Lions clubs in other states, and discover the tens of millions of products that are marked as “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation.” Once set-up, when shopping at Amazon you will see the “The Lions Club Of Easton Foundation Inc” name at the top of your screen.

Happy Shopping!