Raking leaves getting you in shape cartoon.

Saturday, Nov 11, 8-10am

From Secretary Matt Soeldner,

Not enough leaves are down to clean-up on November 4th, despite the the wind storm we had this past weekend.  Global warming has pushed back foliage-drop later each year.

Clean-up is now Saturday, November 11.  We understand some folks will be unavailable due to Veteran’s Day activities, but the following weekend we must put-up decorations.   

Yes, it is that time again. Time to man the rakes and leaf blowers in order to clean-up the area around the Rockery and Oakes Ames Memorial Hall in preparation for the 31st annual Holiday Festival.

Just think… You get to hang out with a great group of Lions, get some exercise and fresh air, drink coffee (or water), eat donuts, and have some Indian breakfast (made by Pratima and Ram). And, if you bring the kids or grand-kids you can just sit back and watch them work.

DATE:  Nov 11, 2017 with Rain Date on Sunday, Nov 12, 2017

TIME:  8:00 – 10:00 AM



