Lions Recycle for Sight

We look at the world straight in the eye

Eyeglasses recycle three photo promo

Lions Recycle for Sight color logoThe World Health Organization estimates that more than 150 million people suffer from blurred vision due to uncorrected refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. The inability to see clearly can prevent children from learning in school, adults from finding work or staying employed, and older adults from living independently. Often, a simple pair of eyeglasses can bring the world into focus, but a lack of access to basic care prevents many people in developing nations from getting the treatment they need. Cost is also an issue; in a developing country a pair of glasses may cost as much as a month’s wages.

Through the Recycle for Sight program, Lions collect new and gently used eyeglasses and sunglasses to bring clear vision to millions, one pair of glasses at a time. Collection bins are in our communities including libraries, doctors’ offices, schools, retail stores, among others. Recycled glasses are cleaned and then shipped to the nearest Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center, where volunteers sort them, determine prescription strength, and carefully package them so they can be distributed, usually through humanitarian missions, to developing nations.

Lion volunteers and eye care professionals screen thousands of children and adults during sight missions, providing them—free of charge—with prescription lenses, frames and ultimately a better quality of life. Lions also provide recycled glasses to nonprofit organizations focused on eye care, as well as to optometry college groups, religious organizations and military assistance groups, which also distribute to people in need.

Recycle Locations

How you can help!

Drop your usable eyeglasses, unopened contact lenses, & hearing aids in a Lions’ collection box around town or at one of the club meetings listed in on our Events page.

For more information or special pick-ups, please contact the Easton Lions Club president at

Easton, MA

  • Ames Free Library, 53 Main Street
  • Easton Lions Thrift Store, 192 Washington Street
    Corner of Route 138 & Elm Street
    (open Saturdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm)
  • Easton Town Hall, 136 Elm Street
  • Kozol Vision Center, 20 Roche Bros Way
  • Shaws, 690 Depot Street
  • South Shore Eye, 670 Depot Street

Brockton, MA

  • B.U. Eye Assoc., 22 Christy’s Drive
  • Optique Ltd, 495 Westgate Drive
  • Pearle Vision, Westgate Mall

Mansfield, MA

  • BayState Eye Center, 1 North Main Street
  • Pearle Vision, 287 School Street

Norton, MA

  •  Bukowski Eye Care, 140 E Main Street

Other areas

In Massachusetts you can mail eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, and unopened contact lenses to:

Raynham Lions Club
P.O. Box 100
2234 King Philip Street
Raynham, MA 02768

Live elsewhere? Locate the nearest Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Center in your area on the Lions Clubs International (LCI) site.

Hearing aids accepted too!


Those interested in donating used hearing aids of any age, brand, or model can do so in the Lions Recycle for Sight boxes. Hearing aids may also be mailed to:

District 33-S Hearing Foundation
P. O. Box 249
Somerset, MA 02726

The Lions District 33-S of Southeastern, MA Hearing Foundation program is for residents of District 33-S who are in need of a professional hearing evaluation and/or hearing aids whose household income does not exceed 250% of the current year’s Federal Poverty Guidelines. 

All applications must go through a local Lions Club.

Easton Lions Club Liaison:

Contact Bill Ames at 508-297-1700 or email the the club president at