“We Need You…”

Event Calendar

Hello it’s me! I was wondering…

Since I became president of the Easton Lions, I have had the pleasure of working the members of various committees. I have a greater appreciation of the work that our Easton Lions are doing for our club and community. I have also realized the benefits of being a member of the various groups. We have a lot of fun.

Do you feel left out? Would you like to come join us in an activity?

Are you waiting to be asked to join an Easton Lion’s activity?

Consider this your invitation.

We do need you. Can I help you in helping us help our Community and help Lion’s causes?

Can you spare a little time on a regular basis? Can you spare a bit more time but not on a regular basis?

I do not think that you will regret giving of your time and energy. We need help with setting up and tearing down the thrift store items at the Grange on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

We can use some help at the Easton Lion’s meetings with setting up and cleaning up.

Can you help us with the Senior BBQ at the COA, or the Build-A-Scarecrow event at Yardley Wood Rink, or the Halloween Parade?

The Easton Lion’s Holiday Festival touches so many people’s lives but it requires a lot of volunteers to make it so successful. Can I count on you to help?

We are currently working on the Holiday Festival. There are two standing committees. One is the Festival Committee, led by our 2nd VP Ram Penumarthy,  that coordinates all weekend events with several sub-groups for different activities.  We also have a dedicated committee for the Festival Program Book and sponsorships led by Jim Abate. Does this sound like something that you would like to become involved in? Check out the event calendar for next meetings.

Do you have experience with web site design or with posting on social media? We would love your help.

There are so many ways to join us and I will be happy to help you find your niche. You can reach me by email at PattieSomers@gmail.com or President@EastonLions.org and by phone at 508-944-0989.
