The Challenge of Change

Charity Auction

Recognition Night

“Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.”  (Martin Luther King, Jr, “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?”, 1967)

Matthew Cioffi, Easton Lions President 2016-2017 at Holiday Festival (width 150)Facing the “challenge of change” certainly rings true as we approach our 31st Charity Auction.  This year we have two huge changes, a new home at Stonehill College and an online auction that starts February 19th.  Before looking at these challenges, I want you to think about this question:  During the deepest dark of night, what do stars do?

The online auction has the potential to engage more people and viewers to our flagship Charity Auction on March 5th.  To make this happen, we need to have ALL donations in by February 12th.  This will give the prep teams much needed time to get the websites ready, write scripts and publicize the Auction early.

Stonehill College logo.The new location at Stonehill’s Pettit Atrium is great, but it too adds some new wrinkles.  Lions will need to adapt to the new environment. We will need Lions to help volunteers and bidders get to where they need to be.  Confirm and pick-n-pay also have new challenges needing to integrate the online winners with the live auction results.

Dale Kerester and crew have laid the ground work for our success.  Now, it’s up to all of us to jump in to help get it done!  Amos Keddem is leading the manpower charge.  Please respond to him and ask how you can help (, 508-238-0751).

The next challenge is the deadline for Recognition Night nominations on March 15th.  This event spotlights what Lions do, “We Serve”, and honors people who have provided outstanding service to Easton.  We need your help to spread the word about nominations, so please share this info to all family, friends and colleagues.  Nominations forms are on our website,  Many thanks go out to Lion Marilyn Cyr, our most recent Melvin Jones Fellow for making the 46th year of the event a possibility.

In the year ahead, our Club will have countless challenges to overcome.  We could look back to see the good we’ve done, or we can look forward and accept the challenge.  In taking on new challenges we will have successes and we will have failures.  Through it all, we will grow as individuals, as a club and as a community, and we will be the better for it.

So, back to the question, “What is it that stars do?”  …They Shine!…

I look forward to seeing us shine as we meet the challenges ahead!


Matthew Cioffi