Matthew Cioffi, Easton Lions President 2016-2017 at Holiday Festival (width 150)Welcome everyone to the new year!  We have a lot on tap, with some new twists as we punch in to warp-speed for our annual Charity Auction on March 5th.  We have a new location for the Live Auction, Stonehill College, and we have a new online auction 2 weeks prior, starting February 20th for items priced under $75.  Everyone should receive their solicitation lists by January 13th. With the online auction, we will need all items in by February 12th.  More details on this at our next meeting.

Easton Lions Club 31st Annual Charity Auction at Stonehill College.Once the auction is done, we don’t slow down.  In April, it’s our annual Junk day at the DPW, led by Henry Narsasian;  May, we have our 2nd Lions Math Challenge led by Pratima Penumarthy;  June we’ll participate in the Legacy Arts, Food, Music, Fun Festival at the Governor Ames Estate (more on this later, Carolyn Cole will be our guest speaker in February);  and July is the official 100th Anniversary of Lions Club International.  I hope to plan a candy drive sometime in the spring too.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  If you have something you’d like us to do as a club, let me know!  We’ll see how to make it happen.  We also need new members to serve on our Board next year.  If you are interested, please contact myself or Nancy Sullivan, or anyone else on the Board to learn more.

As the new year begins, I want to leave you with this thought taken from “Everybody Dies But Not Everybody Lives” by Prince EA, a well-known “spoken work” artist.

“People don’t choose dreams, dreams choose them…Do you have the courage to grab the dream that picked you? That befit you and grips you; or will you let it get away and slip through?…

“If you kinda want something, then you will kinda get the results you want. What is your dream? What ignites that spark. You can’t kinda want that, you got to want it with every part of your whole heart.”

Take hold of your dreams, do not let them pass you by.  I look forward to the new year ahead with you all.  Happy New Year! Cheers,

Matthew Cioffi