Matthew Cioffi winter 2015-16.

“Speak the truth; yield not to anger; when asked, give even if you only have a little.” This quote from the Buddha reminds me to be patient and giving.  No matter how busy I may be, or how hard life gets, there is always something within, a spark of light, that I can give to help others.

I see this quality in so many of you.  You all have a lot going on in your lives and families.  Despite that, you always find a way to give of yourselves where you can.   Marie Kelly from Smith Farm was thankful to hear from several Lions asking how they could help out.  The possibilities are out there! Likewise, you’ve come through for me when I asked.  I thank you for that.  This is truly at the heart of being a Lion!

In the next two months we have a lot of events and service activities.  As Jon Morgan mentioned at our last meeting, we need several folks to step-up to help with planning for the Holiday Festival these next several weeks.  Particularly with sponsorships, flyer design and promotion and getting acts for our 2nd annual Talent Show on December 3rd.  More details on how to help are in the newsletter and will be blasted out in emails to the Club.  All members are welcome to the committee meetings and you can contact the event chairs or me anytime.

We will take as little or as much as you can give!  Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  It is a wonderful time to give thanks with family and friends.  It is also a great time to recommit ourselves to giving to others.  I think Winston Churchill said it best, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Cheers to all,

Matthew Cioffi