Matthew Cioffi winter 2015-16.

Welcome back everyone! This year we celebrate our club’s 85th year together with the Lions Club International Centennial Celebration.  LCI turns 100 in July 2017.  To kick-off our anniversary we will have a special 85th anniversary meal at our meeting on September 28th at the VFW.  The Evite will go out a bit early for this one as we will need a meal count a few days early.

Be sure to read the article by Ed Hands on our Club’s early years from 1931-1945.  There is some really interesting stuff!  The founders really took to heart what they did and made a difference when it mattered most.  Ed Hands and Marion Wingfield are working on several articles to highlight our club’s history and work in Easton.  We hope to get each of these in the Easton Journal too.

Over the summer both our Golf Tournament and Auction committee have been busy planning and the Thrift Store has been chugging steadily along.  Both the Golf Tournament and the Auction will be front and center at our first meeting September 14th; check out the articles for more details.  The Holiday Festival planning has begun. Jon Morgan has already started getting crafters for the Craft show.  The committee will meet soon in September (TBA) with new co-chairs Tina Souza and Ram Penumarthy.  We will need your help to make the Festival another great celebration for the Town!

One final note.  I hope to get the Lions more visibility at a couple of Easton events like the Legacy Arts Day at Governor Ames Estate this year; details to follow.  We also plan to do another Legacy Project like the Eastondale Playground basketball court.  Our International President, Bob Corlew, recently said it best in his message, “Not only do Legacy Projects raise [our Club’s] visibility, but they also remind [our] community that where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.“

I look forward to working with everyone and remember — it is what we do today that matters most!

Cheers to all,


Matthew Cioffi