Nancy Sullivan from Induction Dinner June 2016.

I am immensely proud and humbled to be the President of the Easton Lions Club. It is always my hope, as I’m sure you do, that the service we give to others brings you a sense of love and fulfillment, and fills your heart with joy and peace.

I want to THANK all members of our Club for your hard work, good humor, and camaraderie as we have and will continue to serve together.  I look forward to another successful year our Club.

The Easton Lions Club is, indeed, an extraordinary club in the services we provide for our community and in our commitment to support the work of our District, State and International Clubs in being “Knights of the Blind.” Our Club demonstrates a high level of commitment to serving our community through our many projects and fund raising activities.  “As we build others up, let us always remember serving others isn’t just an act of kindness; it is also a means to build understanding and harmony.” (Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, President, Lions International)

Your Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, and individual Lions have been busy this summer in getting projects moving forward even before we begin.  I want to give a “shout out” to the team at the Lions Thrift Shop who have persevered in the heat of the summer to make this superb endeavor the success it is.  Please give each of them a “Thank You” for their tremendous service to our Club and to the community.  We all know that under Harry Lynd’s and Ruth Calvagne’s leadership, the Thrift Shop has thrived and the Club has prospered.  We need to recognize and THANK all who work there.

As we begin our new year, we reflect on the service our Club gives to the Town of Easton in the ways in which we support community organizations, the schools, senior citizens, as well as the programs, special needs and special requests we receive. Again, it my honor and privilege to serve as your President this year.  I know it will be another successful year.

“Not Above You, Not Beneath You, but With You”

The Board of Directors have been active with two summer meetings, and other volunteered time to be ready for our Lions Year.


The Board is focusing on the following goals for our Club for 2015-2016.  Please let one of us know if you have any questions

Calendar for the Year:

Our Calendar will be out very shortly.  The Board of Directors received a preliminary copy and we need to make sure accuracy. The Calendar will be posted on our Website, and hard copies will be available.

Club Awards:

Our Club was recognized by District 33S and The Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Foundation (MLERF) at the August 8th, 2015 Gala Award Banquet held at the Holiday Inn in Mansfield. Dennis Gutman, Immediate Past President, accepted the awards for our Club:

District and State leaders are very grateful for our contributions, and each came to our table to congratulate our Club personally.  The new President of MLERF for 2015-2016 is our own 33S leader Martin Middleton of the Bridgewater Lions Club.  Congratulations to Martin.  He will be speaking at one of our meetings.

Lions Hearing Foundation:

Thanks go to Mike Melley who has served as the President of the State Hearing Foundation.

Committees Already Meeting:

With so many large projects, planning meetings began in August. Please THANK all the Chairs and members of these Committees for their dedicated service to our Club.

Junk Day 2015:

Last April 25th, under the leadership, coordination and dedication of Lion Henry Narsasian, the Club had another successful “Junk Day” raising thousands of dollars in Four hours!!  Members who participated, and to whom we give special THANKS, are:

Henry Narsasian, Dennis Gutman, Bob Cunha, Joyce Tardito, Jim Lee, Tony Cabral, John Mallers, John Hayes, Jack Cummings, Larry Dahlgren, Ed Hands, Harry Somers, Jared Mallers*, Mike Hatfield, Kevin McIntyre, Matt Cioffi, Charlie Hammond, Rich Freitas, Darcy Hunter, Jon Morgan, Tyler Bourne, Don Tuck, Nancy Sullivan, Ray Morrell, Ed Pires, Bob Comeau, Bill Palmer, Bob Moulton.

If I missed anyone, Please know that it is my unintentional error and I will add you to the list and the Thank You’s in the next Newsletter.

Yours in Lionism,

Nancy Sullivan