This Saturday, September 24th, some of the members of the Easton Lions will be joining Lions from all over eastern Massachusetts at Scusset Beach to walk the Cape Cod Canal to raise money for MLERF.

Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund logo

When you support the Easton Lions Club, you support many things. You support local organizations like Easton Wings of Hope and Raising Multi-Cultural Kids… you support scholarships for Easton seniors to go to college… you support veterans, seniors, campers and… research! Last year alone Massachusetts Lions sent $100,000 in grant checks to SIX organizations like Mass Eye & Ear and the Joslin Diabetes Institute and to Boston University for things like a large microscope for Boston University to train ophthalmologists and surgical nurses. $600,000 was given to:

Thanks to YOUR support, the EASTON Lions Club last year donated $52,272 which puts your very own Easton Lions Club as #1 in the entire STATE of Massachusetts!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2022 9:00am Regitsration at Scusset Beach

If you’d like to join the Easton Lions to walk the canal this Saturday please join us

If you’d like a sponsor sheet for the Walk, please contact $50+ in pledges earns you a new Vision for Sight t-shirt!

If you’d like to make a donation to the Walk, to the Easton Lions Club, or to MLERF you may do so here. Or reach out to
