On May 3rd the Easton Lions Club brought 500 pair of glasses to the District 33S Monthly Eyeglass Event in Raynham.  Special thanks to Sheri Anderson (our Club Leos Coordinator) and to the Leos who did a great job sorting the glasses.  The advance work that was done by the Leos made processing and cleaning the glasses much easier.

Eyeglass sorting and washing occurs regularly.   The Raynham Lions Club holds monthly events, typically on the first Monday of the month at the Raynham Lions Hall between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm and again between 7:00 and 9:00 pm.

Volunteers perform the following tasks:

-sort glasses.  Discard reading glasses, discard bifocals, discard scratched or damaged glasses, and discard non-prescription glasses;

-wash, soak and rinse the glasses that will be saved;

-dry, and check the lens quality;

-bag and pack the glasses;

-resort the glasses into different prescription ranges.

In the past Lions have had equipment that allowed us to measure the glasses, but this is now done by local prison inmates.  The sorted glasses are sent to prisons where they are measured. After being measured they are returned to the Lions for a final sort.  There has been talk of having Lions measure the glasses at some point in the future.

Please contact me if you are interested participating in an Eyeglass day, or in sharing the commute to a future cleaning event.

Amos Keddem

Eyeglass Chair