Bills House of Pizza logo

“One of the cruelest ironies is that the best gestures often arise out of terrible circumstances. The tornadoes that ravaged the Midwest caused unimaginable damage, and their impact will last generations.” said Andrew Parker (Club president) in an email to members.  The destruction in Kentucky is truly devastating.  It has brought to bear a spirit of community connection from Easton, MA, to Mayfield, KY. 

Within a couple days  of the devastating tornado outbreak in Kentucky, Kerry, the manager of Bill’s House of Pizza, asked if the Easton Lions Club could help publicize a fundraiser for disaster relief.  The answer was a resounding yes to support the tornado relief efforts happening in and around Mayfield, Kentucky!  All proceeds were donated to the Mayfield Lions Club of Kentucky to help with local relief efforts.!

  • On Saturday, December 18 (from 10-2) the Easton Lions Thrift Store raised $3,274.  
  • On Monday, December 20 (all day) Bill’s House of Pizza raised over $7,800.   Donation amount included the cost of food, tips, and the staff’s own paychecks!

It is our Club’s privilege and honor to support efforts with community partners like Joe & Kerry at Bill’s House of Pizza.

Tornado Relief Kentucky 2021 poster

“In typical Easton Lions style our Club stepped up to the plate – and with Bill’s House of Pizza team – we knocked this one out of the park!”, said Michelle McGee, Club Marketing Communications Chair. 

On Saturday, the Lions raised $3,274 with sales and generous donations from Lion members, shoppers, and the Easton Grange. Lion Amos Keddem summed it up perfectly when he got out of his car at the Thrift Store and said, “We have to do it.” 

On Monday, we added another $7,800+ with Bill’s House of Pizza’s team, the Lions Raffle, and diner’s donations. This put total donations for the weekend effort at over $11,000, all going to the Mayfield, Kentucky relief efforts. Many thanks to the Lion members who volunteered with smiling faces to help make boxes, prep dough, do deliveries, and greet diners from 4:00 – 9:00 pm at Bill’s.

No one knows the needs of a community better than the community.   By reaching out to the Mayfield Lions Club directly we are helping them stay vital to support their community, neighbors, and family in their time of greatest need.  Please consider helping in any way that you are able.

Many thanks to the Lion members who volunteered with smiling faces to help make boxes, prep dough, do deliveries, and greet diners from 4:00 – 9:00 pm at Bill’s.  Also thank you to all Lions who donated to the cause this weekend, spread the word to friends and families, and purchased pizza and subs at Bill’s Monday!

Bill's House of Pizza-Ready for fundraiser

Lions and members of the community wishing to send individual contributions as part of this effort are encouraged to send a check to Easton Lions Club,  P.O. Box 1032, Easton, MA 02334, made payable to the Easton Lions Club with “Mayfield (KY) Lions Club” in the memo space.

Thank you to Michelle McGee, our Club’s Marketing Communications Chair, Lion Sheri Anderson, and to Bill’s House of Pizza owners and staff for organizing this wonderful endeavor to support the people of Mayfield Kentucky.

Photos from Fundraiser

Send photos from Bill’s House of Pizza on Monday to – We’ll post them in the Gallery below!

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