By Matt Soeldner, Club Secretary

On June 14 at Parker Terrace, the Easton Lions sponsored a dance for the seniors in town. This was our first foray into something like this. Although the turnout was not as big as hoped (30ish) it was still a good time.  The attendees all enjoyed themselves and particularly the band, “Too Much Fun”.

Tell me, when was the last time you saw a stand-up bass in a band?

Easton Lions Club Senior Dance Party 2018 with Too Much Fun Band.

I did receive many thanks for all that the LIONS do in town and questions about our hearing aid program.

I would like to thank Ed Hands who helped set up and put out the snacks before going to a meeting with the Historical Society. As he was leaving Sheri McIntyre and Pattie Somers showed up to help and stayed through to help clean-up. I would like to see the club do more with the seniors in town and would be willing to work with the COA in getting this done. For me I like doing this because I get to see old neighbors, people who went to school with my siblings, and making new friends.

Looking forward to hosting this event again next year!!