Easton Lions Peace Poster Contest 2017 picture of winning artists and teachers.Alexa Scolaro, a student at Easton Middle School, recently won the local Easton Lions Club Peace Poster competition. The Lions Club International Peace Poster contest theme this year is “The Future of Peace.”  This year, 43 Easton Middle School students participated in the contest. On Oct. 25, the Easton Lions selected the top three artists at the clubs general meeting. The Lions judged all the posters on their portrayal of the contest themes, artistic merit, and originality.

The second place winner in “The Future of Peace” was Shaylyn Harrington, with Colleen Mann taking third place honors. All three students will be honored at the Easton Lions Club dinner meeting on November 29th, at the Veterans of Foreign War Hall, 48 Allen Road, along with their families and Easton Middle School art teachers Kristen Kelley and Kathie Hayes.

Peace Poster 2017 Winner-1st Place, Alexa Scolaro

Peace Poster 2017 2nd Place, Shaylyn Harrington

Peace Poster 2017 3rd Place, Colleen