Saturday night, June 11th it’s time to dust off those saddle shoes and head back to The Hall on Foundry to once again see Four in a Row belt out the tunes from the 50s!

Post by Mark Vinocoor:

1950's look-alike Bowser with arm around Jim Abate at the last Easton Live event.
Incoming President Jim Abate and…. Bowser

This will be the last show for the series for this Lions year ending in June. 

Then we are planning to take a summer break.

Starting in the fall, we are already working on 2 shows. 

We just confirmed Rock-A-Blues, who came highly recommended by Jen at The Hall on Foundry. This should be a fun night!

We are also working on another show currently pending for October 28th, more details on this one soon!

Next Easton Live Event

June 11th would be a great night to celebrate these happenings, and I hope you all can all attend the Sock Hop show to help make this an incredible night!!

Easton Live 50s Sock Hop 2 poster advertising the Band is Back on 2022-06-11

Thank you all for helping to make this music series successful, and special thanks to The Collision Doctors and Ed Hands for sponsoring these shows.

Also thanks for Sheri Ingalls and Michelle McGee who have been making the hall look great for all of these shows.

Coming up is the Lions next meeting on June 8th, the installation of our new officers and BOD plus+++… Lion of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Melvin Jones presentations and more.