Day Eye Screening Clinic Volunteers

In March two members of the Brockton Lions Club attended our general meeting and asked the Easton Lions Club for help!  Tobias Cowans, Treasurer, and Donna Frett, Secretary, heard the call for eye services at the Adult Learning Center in Brockton and responded with an entire day of eye screenings free for all who showed up.

The Brockton Lions were expecting to complete about 100 eye screenings on April 22nd.  But at their first clinic during the day they completed well over 175 screenings!  After the evening clinic ended (over 40 minutes past end time,) over 500 screenings were performed using one spot camera and the help of several Brockton Lions, as well as four Easton Lions.  During the day, Sheri Anderson and Dan Guerin worked the spot camera and helped with screenings and in the evening Michelle McGee and Nancy Sullivan did the same.

Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.  Wherever that need may be.  

Evening Volunteers Brockton Lions Eye Screening Clinic
Evening Volunteers Brockton Lions Eye Screening Clinic