On a hot, sultry, humid, muggy, brutal, balmy, boiling, tropical, sweltering blazing, sizzling, scorching, blistering… okay, okay, it was HOT and there was NO AC… but on a July evening 15 Easton Lions headed to Westgate Lanes in the heat wave to bowl a few games to support the Brockton Lions Club.

We bowled so long and so late (despite the heat!) that the scores were still being tallied! But… you can choose a winner…

Below are several Lions’ “swings” (is there a term for this in bowling? wind-ups? form? rolls?)

Vote for the “swing” you like best and that person’s bowling will be paid for by an anonymous donor!


Send an email to info@eastonlions.org by Tuesday, 8/16 with your choice for “BEST FORM” and the winner will receive free bowling from an anonymous donor! You may only vote once and for one person. Winner will be announced at the next Bowling Night, Wednesday, 8/17. There’s still time to sign up to bowl that night!

Lions are winners! Not sure how we bowled, but there were lots of winners that night in the Brockton Lions Club’s raffles! Congratulations to the winners…

Come out and bowl again on August 17th!

There’s still time to join The Lowenbraus Team so please contact Michelle at info@eastonlions.org to sign up! You do not have to be a Lion to join a bowling team! ALL are welcome!