Welcome to our new Club Newsletter
It's been a few years since our last Club newsletter! To that end, we've updated our website capabilities that simplify getting the news out to y'all. In addition, it consolidates our roster update efforts removing two of the five lists, Evite for RSVPs, and Mailchimp for weekly updates. The new plugins give members a single point of entry for all Club information and lets you subscribe/unsubscribe to the Club email lists.
This first Newsletter is a TEST run. I know there will be hiccups along the way. We want this to work better for you and the Board. As with prior email blasts, some may still get these in your spam/junk boxes. If this happens, the best fix is to set-up a rule to say these are not spam/junk. All feedback on the new Newsletter and RSVP functions (more details to come) can be sent to Matthew Cioffi at matthew.cioffi@eastonlions.org.
Once all the bugs are worked out, I'll pass this along to Michelle McGee, our Club Marketing Communications Chair and if designated, the newsletter editor. If you have any interest in helping out with getting Club
Where do I find out about Lions Events?
We updated our Club meeting and event listings to the "Modern Event (ME) Calendar" on November 2, 2021. Why the change?
- Our old "The Event Calendar" was not working after our move to our new server.
- We needed an RSVP option to replace/retire our Evite account. For details, see article below on the Rockery Clean-up. It has a the new RSVP option activated.
- We can purchase a new booking/ticketing addon to replace Eventbrite to save $ on ticket fees.
Saturday November 13, 2021, 8:00 -10:00 AM
Rain (trees holding leaves) date: November 20
Organized by Jon Morgan, this has become a popular annual service event for Club members and their families. It's a great opportunity to bring a friend along to introduce them to what the Lions do in the community! We provide refreshments for the work crew and have a blast readying the commons for the Holiday Festival and Main Street Stroll.
Please save the date on your calendars.
If you think you can help-out, please use the new RSVP option on the event posting to let us know you'll be there!
What's the new RSVP Option?
We updated our event calendar listing at EastonLions.org. With the new RSVP ME Calendar add-on, we can replace Evite to get member counts for meetings and Club activities. At this time, I've only implemented it for the Rockery Clean-up to see how members take to it and give it a test run with y'all.
RSVP eliminates the need to maintain a separate rosters on Evite and MailChimp. It also has the advantage that Club members will be visiting our Club website and no longer receive unwanted ads via Evite. To use the event RSVP, at the bottom of the event, do the following:
- If more than one, change the number of attendees
- Enter your email
- Select Yes, Maybe, or No, then click the Next button
- The second screen you enter your name, and the names of any additional attendees
- Click the Submit button
- The screen will update with text, "Thank you for RSVP. please check your email.". You do not need to check your email, as I set it up so that you will be automatically confirmed.
Checking your RSVP
If you come back to the page, or refresh it, you can then search for your RSVP events using your email address. You must enter your whole email address. If found, it will send you a confirmatioin code you can use to check on your response or cancel it. RSVP is supposed to let you change the response, but seems to only let you cancel it at this time. I have a request into the developer to help me fix that, so hopefully it will work in the future.
Please use the button below to give the new RSVP a try on our Rockery clean-up event.
Recent News Posts
This Newsletter also lets me pull in recent posts from the website. This is a huge time saver and allows me to use the post as is without needing to recreate it for the newsletter format. It provides direct links to the full article. Give it it try below by clicking the Read more... buttons!
On a beautiful September day...
On September 27th an energetic group of golfers headed out the Easton Country Club for the Easton Lions Club Annual Golf Tournament... according to Mark Lombardi at ECC it was a 9/10 day for golfing... (his only wish was that there was more color in the trees... so let's go with a 10/10!) Thanks to our generous donors and patrons …
Lions Tame Trailers at Fire Station
by Jon Morgan: In preparation for the upcoming Holiday Festival, chairperson Michelle McGee (also our Club's Marketing Communications Chair) rallied some elves to clean out and organize the storage trailers at Easton Fire Station #3 on Bay Road - and what a terrific job they did...
Future Plans
We plan to have other features in coming newsletters. We have not decided if this should be a monthly or quarterly endeavor. We also have the option of continuing our weekly updates using the new MailPoet WordPress plugin that is used to create this newsletter. Please send us your feedback (matthew.cioffi@eastonlions.org) on what you'd like to see in the Newsletter.
Some features may include:
- Surrounding club events
- Club web/social media guides and updates
- District news and links
- Lions International links
Open Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Drop-offs in back until 1:00 PM