We thought you'd like to know there's activity on the Club news blog. Select an image/"Read more" below to open the article or go to EastonLions.org/news anytime to view all our news.
If you have Club news, photos or video from an event to share, or an article of interest to members, please send it along to our Michelle, Marketing Communications Chair (open email here) or our Andrew, Club President (open email here).
We're also looking for members to help us out on the backside. Just drop Michelle a note or talk with her at our meetings. We need workers on all fronts. From taking photos and video to helping write content and creating posts and graphics for our website and Facebook. Everything is in play :-D We're always looking for members to keep our blog fresh!
See you soon! The Easton Lions News Team
Lions & Bill's Pizza Team-up to Help Kentucky Tornado Relief
"One of the cruelest ironies is that the best gestures often arise out of terrible circumstances. The tornadoes that ravaged the Midwest caused unimaginable damage, and their impact will last generations." said Andrew Parker (Club president) in an email to members. The destruction in Kentucky is truly devastating. It has brought to bear a spirit of community connection from Easton, …
The Ultimate Oldies Show & Sock Hop
Next Easton Live event — The Ultimate Oldies Show and Sock Hop! Wear your best “oldies” outfit, prize for best oldies look! cash bar, 50/50 raffle, doors open 6:30 pm...
P.O. Box 1032, Easton, MA 02334